Favicon Creation

Posted on Sat 27 April 2019 in Technology

OK, I realize I just posted, but I'm having way too much fun getting this cleaned up with some of the finer touches. I decided to get myself a proper favicon for the website, and happily found myself at favicon.io. It turns out, they've got the same fonts available as fonts.google.com, making it extremely easy to create an icon that matches the site.

Really easily, I simply chose the text for the icon ('S' is for Sparks folks), then chose colors that matched the theming of the site. In this case, #ac4142 is our sidebar color, and #ebd1d1 is the color that the sidebar text shows up with. I picked my matching font - Cinzel Decorative - set the background to 'circle,' and played around with the font size until I landed at the perfect alignment for the letter against the circle.

Here's our result:


Honestly, the absolute hardest part of this whole thing was getting the images scp'd over to the Codenvy site, which it turns out is because I set my port flag to -p instead of -P.
