Spent Grain Cookies

Posted on Sun 20 July 2014 in Hobbies

After making my spent grain flour last weekend, I was simply aching to get some baking in with it - not to mention the friends bugging me to make them. I decided on the Spent Grain Peanut Butter Cookies, recipe courtesy of Brooklyn Brew Shop's The Mash.

Upon mixing the ingredients, I was convinced the batter needed water, or milk, or maybe another egg. The consistency was just all wrong, but I decided to trust the recipe and forged ahead.


Success! Now to just make the cookies - this was going decievingly easy. And did I mention this was a double batch? There would be more cookies than we knew what to do with - fortunately I had some social events coming up, not to mention coworkers more than willing to 'help out.'

Once the cookies were all properly aligned on the sheets (and it took two rounds in the oven), I grabbed a fork to do the cross-hatch on the tops. Unfortunately, my silverware is real silver, and has tiny prongs, so I didn't get the gorgeous results like Brooklyn Brew Shop did, but that didn't make them taste any less good.

Cookies, Pre-Baked

Unfortunately I haven't gotten any good photos of the finished product, as they came out of the oven just as it was time to head to bed, and the next few days I was knocked out by my latest case of Strep Throat. Fortunately I'm now on the up-turn, but not enough so that I want to risk infecting the batch. Once I'm a few days further past, I'll try to get a photo - assuming they aren't all gone.