Labor Day Weekend

Posted on Mon 02 September 2019 in Updates • Tagged with React

It's a three-day weekend, and what does that mean? Well, probably getting sick, because the universe is cruel. But that aside, it's actually been quite a relaxing one - we had D&D on Saturday, and shortly before I discovered a very cool React project called The Spells of D&D …

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Memorial Weekend

Posted on Mon 27 May 2019 in Updates • Tagged with Reading, Home Improvement

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. The kids are officially on summer break, the house has had half a dozen projects to wrap, and work has ramped in an unexpected way. This weekend is supposed to be about rest for me, a couple days to catch up on R …

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Reboot 2019 - Jekyll, Codenvy, and CSS

Posted on Sat 27 April 2019 in Updates • Tagged with Chromebook

Here we are, nearly 2 years later. I've changed jobs (and actually my career as a whole), gotten married, and a dozen other smaller but equally important things. And yet this place has been relative neglected, always a consideration but not something I've put the time into picking back up …

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Technology and Personal Ventures

Posted on Mon 19 June 2017 in Updates

Today, some organizational and internal turmoil reminded me that I am not as settled in my position as I necessarily assume. There is, at the drop of a hat, always the opportunity to move to a different position, or find some new project for which my current toolset is not …

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Rebooting the System

Posted on Thu 25 May 2017 in Updates

It's been a while, to say the least. Three years, as a matter of fact. I had big plans for this place - projects, a dumping ground for programming exploration and demos and typographical experimentation.

I've taken the first pass at some cleanup, and I've now got the site running locally …

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