Pixelbook mCover Hard Shell Case Mod

Posted on Sun 02 June 2019 in Hobbies • Tagged with Chromebook

Since I got my Pixelbook a while back, I've wanted a case that would work for both the laptop and tablet mode. Unfortunately, they really don't seem to exist. The closest I found was the mCover Hard Shell Case for 12.3" Google Pixelbook Chromebook, but even this wouldn't let …

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Reboot 2019 - Jekyll, Codenvy, and CSS

Posted on Sat 27 April 2019 in Updates • Tagged with Chromebook

Here we are, nearly 2 years later. I've changed jobs (and actually my career as a whole), gotten married, and a dozen other smaller but equally important things. And yet this place has been relative neglected, always a consideration but not something I've put the time into picking back up …

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